We are beyond excited to let you know that we have launched a brand-new website today. Besides looking far better than the previous one, it offers a lot more information about the game and, most importantly, comes with a discussion board. So we can finally say: Welcome to the community!
Your forum account will be your game account!
An important detail: When you decide to sign-up for the forums, be aware that the account that will be created will also grant you access to the game itself once it has opened its doors. We have spent quite some time to build an infrastructure that allows single sign-on from day one!
Better, faster and more secure: Our new website!
We’ve finally promoted our website from a mere “landing page with blog” to a proper portal holding plenty of information about the game. Some parts are still missing but we will complete the content over time. I especially recommend to check out the feature roadmap which makes a great overview of where we stand and where we want to go.
Last but not least, all our pages are now served over HTTPS and from a CDN, which should make your visit both faster and more secure.