With Julian wrapping up his freelance audio project and Martin in the process of moving, it was Michi’s turn to power through this week by himself, laying the foundation of the Prosperous Universe wiki.
Michi (molp)
Wow, this week I had lots of different things to do. Let’s start at the beginning!
I set up the technical foundation for a documentation/wiki website for our other game AirlineSim. We have been using a wiki to document the game, its rules and lots of other things for a long time now. It is about time now to muck out its contents and move to a new site. The new system will build on static sites and thus have way less dependencies and technical overhead.
Why is this relevant for Prosperous Universe? Eventually we want to have a similar documentation for this game as well and chances are that we will be using this setup.
The next thing on my list was extending the world editor with a tool that Alex needs to create the material tree. He asked for a view of the material tree that looks like his prototyping spreadsheet:
All materials and their corresponding recipes are listed in a large table, sorted by category. To be able to estimate the costs of a certain recipe (and therefore balance the game) we calculate the pioneer-hours that go into creating it in a recursive matter. If there is more than one way to craft something we even go the extra mile now and calculate minimum, average and maximum costs.
The last mentionable task I completed this week is the last missing Chamber of Global Commerce feature. The second type of program that can be voted for (namely workforce campaigns) are now effecting the efficiency of the production lines as intended. The CoGC has been a fun feature to implement and I can’t wait to see it in action in the next alpha. If you have questions about it right now, let me know :)
As always: we’d love to hear what you think: join us on the forums!
Happy trading!