Resistance is Futile - Development Log #247
Michi shares what it is like for governors to control the upkeep of planetary projects, Fabian circles back to onboarding new players as marketing gears up on Facebook and YouTube. Plus Martin is back in action!
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Probing the Populous - Development Log #246
Michi and Fabian continue to iron out the Populous wrinkles, Manoj begins the PrUn website redesign, and Nick writes Facebook Ads. Plus universe reset talk!
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Learn How to Realistically Colonize Space (No Force Powers Required)
Let’s imagine for a moment that the time has come for humanity to leave Earth and establish a home elsewhere. In this hypothetical situation we not only have the technology to colonize one planet but multiple planets across the galaxy. But how would this actually work? How would humans transform massive undiscovered worlds into thriving lucrative economies? Let’s find out.
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Execute: Pest Control Initiative - Development Log #245
In today’s issue: Michi squashes bugs, Fabian gets really into ship blueprints, and Nick finds some YouTubers.
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Warp Drive Time - Development Log #244
With Martin on vacation, the rest of the team continues to work towards finalizing Populous, integrating FTL measures into ship building, and forming a valid ad strategy for Facebook.
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