Learn Economic Theory by Playing Prosperous Universe
Economics is not like other fields of science. Chemists and biologists have the luxury of being able to perform experiments in a laboratory and seeing if their theories are substantiated or not. Economists cannot perform experiments without potentially creating disastrous consequences leading to unemployment, market crashes, or recessions. So, how can we observe and test economic theories without the fear of a financial catastrophe? Why not simulate an open economy with real supply and demand, multiple currencies, and incentivize participants to produce and profit?
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Blueprints, Balancing, and Blessings - Development Log #259
This week the team goes in depth with post-Populous tweaks, blueprints for spaceships, and thanking the community.
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Coming to You LIVE - Development Log #258
LIVE STREAM on Thursday at 16:00 UTC, details below! Meanwhile, the team plugs away on UI updates and ship building blueprints that bring us ever closer to Ignition.
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Here Be Pirates - Development Log #257
Material trees, newsletters, and pirates! Oh my!
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Marketing Madness - Development Log #256
With Martin and Fabian out on vacation and Michi and Manoj hard at work on previously mentioned projects, Nick is left as the sole contributor for this week’s devlog.
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