Finding the Right Balance - Development Log #255
Michi fixes the dreaded drag and drop bug, Fabian balances out materials and recipes, Nick explores more ad strategies, and Manoj gets closer to a finalized mobile UI interface.
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Assistance from the Big Cheese - Development Log #254
Fabian shares new info on “Government Programs” which can be utilized by the governor, coming in the near future. The others continue to be hard at work on Ignition and the new UI interface.
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Performing Maintenance - Development Log #253
The work on the maintenance patch 08 has come to an end and the update has been released. Fabian provides some insights into the upcoming release and Manoj continues to work on the mobile interface design.
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Maintenance Patch 08
Dear licencees,
just wanted to make you aware of the maintenance release that went live today. We focused on fixing issues and bugs that originated from the Populous release, but managed to include some unrelated changes and fixes as well.
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Push to Repair - Development Log #252
The next maintenance release is underway, details on how ship building blueprints will translate into a ship building project, and Asteroid Day T-shirts are finally on the way. Plus, your repair button dreams have come true!
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