Development Log Week 82
While I spent a big part of the week traveling and in meetings concerning an unrelated project, I still got around to deal with tools and tooling for Prosperous Universe.
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Development Log Week 81
We did it! It only took us 81 weeks but we have finally managed to complete our internal Alpha milestone. With the final bits of the Foreign Exchange feature falling into place this week, the game is now feature-complete in the sense that every core gameplay feature that we want to be in the first release version is now functional.
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Development Log Week 80
With Thursday being a public holiday in Germany, I have been away on a micro-vacation, traveling all the way from the South of the country into the North and back again. Nevertheless, a few small things went on around Prosperous Universe despite the short week!
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Development Log Week 79
There is this weird effect that work progresses considerably faster when a deadline is looming on the horizon. As was the case this week with our demo at the Games/Bavaria Vernissage.
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Development Log Week 78
There are weeks when all the things happen simultaneously and we make good progress and there are weeks when not much happens. This week is one of the not-so-much-progress ones, but Martin still managed to work on the foreign exchange transactions.
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